Post-Christmas Recap

xmas-660694_640Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends! We had a wonderful dinner and couple days with Bobby, Clara and her boyfriend.  It felt like we were constantly on the move and running around.  It was a great Christmas but I am very happy to sit and finally relax.

Having an extra “family member” home for the holidays made me want to really make sure everything was clean and tidy.  I spent the days leading up to Christmas cleaning and making sure I had everything I needed for dinner and snacks for the kids.  Bobby and Clara got home the day before Christmas Eve and they were out of the house almost all day and night hanging out with their friends.  Clara had fun introducing her boyfriend to all of her friends from high school.

I love seeing how Bobby and Clara have stayed so close with their friends from high school and when they are together it seems like not even a moment has pasted.  I seemed like they had a great night out, they slept in a Christmas Eve until the afternoon.  Those crazy kids.

Instead of celebrating on Christmas Day we decided to mix things up and have dinner on Christmas Eve.  The food was so incredible I even surprised myself!  Clara’s boyfriend was so helpful in the kitchen…I like him a lot, good choice Clara.  After dinner we all curled up in our living room and watched OUR favorite movie, It’s a Wonderful Life.  It was a great way to digest all the delicious food we just consumed.

On Christmas Day we opened up presents…and yes we still wait for Santa to put them under the tree on Christmas Eve.  I loved that we all stayed in our PJ’s and sat around the tree laughing and exchanging gifts.

After we opened gifts we all helped make a Christmas brunch.  It was so so so much fun!  There may have been too many cooks in the kitchen but we had a blast laughing and cooking.  We used some leftovers from the Christmas dinner and made some fresh fruits and veggies to kick start the day.  I think I like our new tradition!

After brunch the kids hung out for a while and then left to go to their homes in the evening.  It was so much fun having the house full and making new traditions.  I think making these new traditions make being an empty nester easier.  We are not dwelling on what used to be, but what is.  I am so thankful for my wonderful family and can’t wait to make more memories and create even more new traditions.

Happy Holidays,


Merry Chistmas & Happy New Year!
