These Symptoms are NORMAL??

Who is ready for another menopausal post? I promise I won’t go on a rant about it for that long! 🙂 After I had the hot flash that melted some of the polar ice caps, I decided it was time to go to the doctor to see what was going on and what I can do to help these unceasing symptoms.  I just got back from the gynecologist and my symptoms are normal…NORMAL! I was sure I had some new strain of menopause causing my body to turn into a volcano.

menopause-girl-on-fireI guess I am going through perimenopause, the transition in to menopause, it sure seems like I’m traveling through Mars and not menopause.  She said that during this stage my hormones levels are on a rollercoaster going up and down; I’m glad they are having fun because I definitely am not.  Some symptoms can last for months or even YEARS! I hope that mine are on the rollercoaster right out the door.  On a positive note, I guess it’s positive, my doctor said my symptoms can be managed by some minor lifestyle changes.

The doctor recommended light physical activity and eating healthy food to help make the symptoms begin to subside.  I sure hope that these little changes help the hot flashes and night sweats, I’m tired of being so sweaty I sparkle.  I am going to have to find ways to incorporate activity and healthy eating into everyday life, it shouldn’t be that difficult….right?

I consider myself a fairly healthy woman.  I don’t eat that bad and I try walking as much as I can.  I guess I am going to have to up my healthy eating and activity level.  I think I’m going to try to going on walks more often during the week and taking the stairs whenever I can.  Committing to taking the stairs is pretty scary, there are stairs everywhere!  I really need to stay focused on the goal and hope that working on maintaining a healthy lifestyle my symptoms will become easier to deal with.  Everyone take a moment and send some positive thoughts my way! 🙂

So now that I know these annoying symptoms are normal and a lot of women have the same unpleasant symptoms; I’m going to have to really buckle down and focus on my health and physical activity.  It is going to be difficult, so any suggestions or motivation are greatly appreciated!

Until next time,
